November 3, 2021

Anoma | Feigenbaum (EN)

Let's Node!

⠀Anoma is a blockchain which aims to create a system that allows any digital asset to function as means of exchange or payment.


Information about the project

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⠀Anoma aims to create a system that allows any digital asset to function as means of exchange or payment, enabling individuals to choose what asset or combination of digital assets are used in their transactions and what values they signify. Unlike existing financial platforms, the goal of Anoma is not to introduce a specific asset intended to be used as money, but rather to facilitate private payments using arbitrary assets, independent of how and by whom they were issued. Anoma can also be utilized by individuals to barter: directly exchange goods, services, or any digitally representable valuable, including assets created on Anoma, assets sourced from other blockchains transferred to Anoma via interoperability protocols, and stablecoin forms of fiat currencies.

Testnet phases

⠀The following phases are known at this point:

  • November 2 — the launch of the Feigenbaum testnet.


⠀The testnet isn't incentivized, but now there is an opportunity to join an interesting project at a very early stage and possibly get something for it in the future.

Server requirements

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⠀Documentation (VPS/VDS/DS):
4 CPU, 16 GB RAM, 200 GB SSD, Ubuntu 20.04

⠀Our experience (VPS/VDS/DS):
4 CPU, 8 GB RAM, 200 GB SSD, Ubuntu 20.04

⠀Suitable servers:


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⠀There are no conditions that must be fulfilled, but you can:


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⠀Each subsection is a separate type of installation, you have to select one of them.

Linux (manual)

For beginners

⠀Install Tendermint

. <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SecorD0/utils/main/installers/tendermint.sh)

⠀Come up with a node moniker, run a command and enter the moniker, thereby adding it to the system as a variable

. <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SecorD0/utils/main/miscellaneous/insert_variable.sh) -n anoma_moniker

⠀Install the node

. <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SecorD0/Anoma/main/multi_tool.sh)

⠀Set up a network for the node

anoma client utils join-network --chain-id=anoma-feigenbaum-0.ebb9e9f9013

⠀Download a config file

wget -qO "$HOME/.anoma/anoma-feigenbaum-0.ebb9e9f9013/config.toml" https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xni/anoma-network-config/684bfd7d583f1e467148a4f43d02c1a610e93a9a/final/anoma-feigenbaum-0.ebb9e9f9013/.anoma/anoma-feigenbaum-0.ebb9e9f9013/config.toml

⠀Create a service file

printf "[Unit]
Description=Anoma Daemon

ExecStart=`which anoma` --wasm-dir $HOME/wasm/ --base-dir $HOME/.anoma/ ledger

WantedBy=multi-user.target" > /etc/systemd/system/anomad.service

⠀Run the service file

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable anomad
sudo systemctl restart anomad

⠀Wait a few seconds and change the node moniker

sed -i -e "s%^moniker *=.*%moniker = \"$anoma_moniker\"%" "$HOME/.anoma/anoma-feigenbaum-0.ebb9e9f9013/tendermint/config/config.toml"

⠀Restart the node

sudo systemctl restart anomad

⠀Add a command to view the log of the node in the system as a variable

. <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SecorD0/utils/main/miscellaneous/insert_variable.sh) -n anoma_log -v "sudo journalctl -f -n 100 -u anomad" -a

⠀Add a command to view information about the node in the system as a variable

. <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SecorD0/utils/main/miscellaneous/insert_variable.sh) -n anoma_node_info -v ". <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SecorD0/Anoma/main/node_info.sh) -l RU 2> /dev/null" -a

Linux (auto)

For advanced

⠀Come up with a node moniker, run a command and enter the name, thereby adding it to the system as a variable

. <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SecorD0/utils/main/miscellaneous/insert_variable.sh) -n anoma_moniker

⠀Run the script and wait till the installation is done

. <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SecorD0/Anoma/main/multi_tool.sh) -ai


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Already have

⠀An answer to the question "How to restore?" was not received

Not yet

⠀Create a wallet (you have to set a password)

anoma wallet key gen --alias "$anoma_moniker"

⠀Export the wallet

anoma wallet key export --alias "$anoma_moniker"

Save the file in a safe place (the command displays the path)

echo "$HOME/key_${anoma_moniker}"


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⠀Wait for full node synchronization (a few hours will pass)


⠀Initialize an account

anoma client init-account \
  --alias "$anoma_moniker" \
  --public-key "$anoma_moniker" \
  --source "$anoma_moniker"

⠀If any errors occur, repeat the execution of the command until successful

⠀Request tokens from the faucet

anoma client transfer \
  --source faucet \
  --target "$anoma_moniker" \
  --signer "$anoma_moniker" \
  --token XAN \
  --amount 1000

⠀Initialize a validator (you must enter the password several times and remember it)

anoma client init-validator \
  --alias "$anoma_moniker" \
  --source "$anoma_moniker"

⠀If any errors occur, repeat the execution of the command by answering all questions y until successful

⠀On successful execution, the following will be displayed

Added alias SecorD for address ...
Added alias SecorD-rewards for address ...

The validator's addresses and keys were stored in the wallet:
  Validator address "..."
  Staking reward address "..."
  Validator account key "..."
  Consensus key "..."
  Staking reward key "..."
The ledger node has been setup to use this validator's address and consensus key.

Make a backup copy of the settings folder, saving it to your PC (the command displays the path)

echo $HOME/.anoma/anoma-feigenbaum-0.ebb9e9f9013/tendermint/config/

⠀Delegate tokens to the created validator

anoma client bond \
  --source "$anoma_moniker" \
  --validator "$anoma_moniker" \
  --amount 900.00

Useful commands

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⠀Available variables (remove echo while using)

echo $anoma_moniker
echo $anoma_wallet_address

⠀To view the node's log

sudo journalctl -f -n 100 -u anomad

⠀To view information about the node

. <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SecorD0/Anoma/main/node_info.sh)

⠀To view list of validators

anoma client voting-power

⠀To delegate tokens

anoma client bond \
  --source "$anoma_moniker" \
  --validator "$anoma_moniker" \
  --amount NUMBER
  • NUMBER — the number of tokens for the delegation.

⠀To receive rewards from a delegation

anoma client withdraw --validator "$anoma_moniker"

⠀To restart the node

sudo systemctl restart anomad

Useful links

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Official WebSite | Official Telegram group

Russian-speaking Telegram channel | Discord | Twitter | GitHub

Medium | Official documentation


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Let's Node! Team — studying the project, writing the article, maintaining the Russian-speaking community

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